Welcome to the JB Surf School Gallery & Online Store, here you can view some of the gnarly photos and DVDs that were produced during your JB Surf School experience. Use the navigation bar on the right to find the date which you completed your lesson/s and check out the fun. Photo Prints* and DVDs* can be ordered online through PayPal and mailed* to you. We hope that you enjoyed your experience and keep ripping up those waves. Check the site reguarly for 'Pic of the Week' or an amusing story, such as the one below!*
"Claiming it! "One of the Arcadia group students claiming the wave of the day and what I believe to be the 'Pic of the Week', way to go champion!
"Ripping Youngster "Nice set came through giving a young first time surfer some room to show all those around her how it's done. Loving the helmet-gal in the background... Safety first.
"Nato Swooping "Nato swoops in on an unsuspecting student for a classic high five. Out the back of Caves beach on a 9 foot stick he walks up the board pumping the 'Hang 10' and plants a high five on a somewhat shocked student.